Pusat Aplikasi dan Riset Artificial Intelligence

Our NorthStar is “Guiding the Future of AI Development and Research in the Nation with Genuine, Cutting-Edge Technology – No Gimmicks Involved.”
“Driving Innovation Through Artificial Intelligence Technology”
Pasar-AI is a center for Artificial Intelligence applications and research, committed to establishing Indonesia as a global hub for AI innovation.

We focus on developing advanced AI applications, including AI strategies and AI-driven solutions for decision-making.

We leverage the latest techniques and technologies to drive technological advancements for a smarter future!

Product Leading AI Development, Research, and Technology

Risk Management01
Leverage AI-driven solutions to identify, analyze, and mitigate risks proactively, ensuring business stability and resilience.
HR Management02
Optimize recruitment and workforce development through intelligent analytics and AI-based automation.
Knowledge M03
Facilitate the collection, organization, and distribution of organizational knowledge with adaptive AI technologies.
Employ intelligent document processing to improve scanning efficiency, data extraction, and workflow automation.

Case Studies AI-Powered Solutions

Risk Management01
Leverage analytics and AI models to proactively identify and manage risks across various industries.
HR Management02
Optimize HR processes with AI-based solutions for recruitment, performance evaluation, and employee retention.
Knowledge Management03
Utilize AI technologies to effectively capture, manage, and disseminate organizational knowledge.

Comprehensive AI Solutions for Your Business’s Digital Transformation

In today’s rapidly evolving digital era, mastering Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is the key to staying ahead. Pasar-AI offers the solutions you need to tackle these challenges. We provide comprehensive and innovative AI-based services to help your business thrive and grow.
  • Solutions to strengthen data science and AI capabilities.
  • A pioneer of Knowledge Graph and AI Agent in Indonesia.
  • Partnerships with Microsoft, Google, and Neo4j for access to cutting-edge technologies.
Our Research

Trusted Technology Partners

Our technological expertise empowers clients to leverage the latest advancements in platforms and technologies.

Together with Our Clients

We appreciate your trust in us. As pioneers in AI Strategy, Knowledge Graphs, and AI Agents in Indonesia, we’re committed to helping your business grow with advanced solutions and expert engineers.

Ready to Get Started?

With a high demand for advanced AI expertise and limited training options, pasar.ai leads in AI Strategy, Knowledge Graphs, and AI Agents in Indonesia. Partnering with Microsoft, Google, and Neo4j, we’re here to help you stay ahead. Contact us to get started.